megan's blog

Sunday, July 09, 2006

the opener

So I wanted a blog.
I will mainly use this to post updates on my life for anyone who is interested, but maybe I will also come up with another use for it as well. Today I just got beck from Kansas City, MO where I will be moving soon with my dear friend Rozalinda Rosner. "I am excited, but scared" if I may quote the lovely Lauren J. Widner Boehme. Im glad to get out of my hometown. I think Jesus explained it best when he said a prophet in his home town recieves no honor or something to that effect. I love my family, but the roles are hard to define when I cant let myself change and be the person I have become and am becoming. It might not make sense, but I think this is a natural part of life. The part where I leave and find myself and learn how to pay bills.
I dont have a job yet. I know it would make sense to get a job in a hospital sense that was my major and all, but thats not happening. I guess the real question is, do I trust God enough to wait patient ly for direction in this area. Well I didnt trust him today so I guess I will try harder tomorrow. I want to believe that God can use me, but it's hard when I dont know exactly who "me" is. Hopefully I will know a little better after the upsoming roadtrip. Stay tuned. you wont want to miss the roadtrip entries.


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