megan's blog

Monday, October 13, 2008


Miracles do happen I guess. I quit my job last week. I put in two weeks notice. I made it through the first week without any of my coworkers finding out. I really did not know how to tell them and I was genuinely afraid of their responses. Some of these women are loose cannons. They complain about things you would never dream are a big deal. So anyway, today my boss sends out an email that mentions my resignation. My heart stopped and I started sweating. Within minutes, everyone would know and I would started getting dirty looks and maybe even death threats, I thought.
A minute later, I hear from over the cubical, "MEGAN BOWNE, what the heck." I start to it comes, the you know what has hit the fan. I walk over and say, oh the email? She smiles and says, "hey where are you going?" I tell her and she is happy for me.....HAPPY. wow. Then I think ok, one of them is on my side and happy and understands. This is amazing and I am overjoyed. It is ok now if some of the others are less understanding because one of them is happy for me.
Then Vanessa keeps walking by my cubical. This is what I am dreading. SHe is not afraid to speak her mind and Im about to get it. Luckily I am busy with patients for a bit so she cant interrupt, but no joke she looked in my cubical 5 times.
Finally she catches me alone. She sits down.....and.....SMILES...."congratulations, where are you going? oh that is cool. I am glad for you....I will keep in touch with you..." Really...Me? I thought you couldnt stand me and would be mad at me for abandoning you all. Not only was she not mad at me or glad to see me go, she wants to keep in touch with me...
Ive heard it said that God is mysterious, and faith like a mustard seed can move mountains and such, but I am still in shock and awe.
Way to go Lord.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Aunt Pam

For those of you who do not know, it is aunt pams birthday. She is a faithful reader of this blog so I will dedicate today's entry to her.
She is my dad's older sister. Some memories of Aunt Pam. When we were little, she used to let us come spend the night at her house. I remember even going to Lafayette when I was little and staying the night. I told her about the boy I was in love with and how I had loved him for a few years and she called it puppy love. I would love to say she was wrong, but she was not. I got over him after about a 5 year crush and now I am married to Brandon who she refers to as Branboo.
I also remember her apartment in Kokomo and I remember she had this "birthday bear." I loved it and thought it was so soft and somehow I ended up being the owner of the birthday bear. That was very nice of her.
Also, for my 16th birthday, I remember that she gave me some lotion and body soap. Being an aunt myself these days, I know realize that it is hard to by for nieces....YOu just never know what they will like. BUT the cool thing about that gift was, the "brand" was San Francisco, and the real gift was a trip to San Francisco that summer for the wedding of a 2nd cousin I had never met. During that trip I got to meet a bunch of my grandma's family that I had never even heard of . It was very cool. Thats how AuntPam is. She likes to do creative things for people. So I hope this creative blog will make her very happy today.
Love you Aunt Pam....Have a happy Birthday!!